Guiding News

3D Printing for Accessibility

3D Printing for Accessibility Three-dimensional (3D) printing, a marvel of modern technology, has profoundly transformed the landscape of assistive technology, creating a more inclusive and accessible world for individuals with disabilities. This revolutionary approach has democratized the creation and distribution of assistive devices, breaking down barriers that once limited their availability. Before the advent of… Read More

Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight

Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight It may be easy to overlook vision health, especially if you’re not having any problems with your eyesight. January is Glaucoma Awareness Month which serves as an important reminder, particularly for older adults, to prioritize eye health. Glaucoma, often termed the “silent thief of sight,” can start “stealing” your… Read More

The Value of Volunteering in Our Later Years

The Value of Volunteering in Our Later Years As we journey through life, the significance of purpose and connection often becomes more evident, particularly in our senior years. Volunteering emerges as a beacon of opportunity for older adults, offering a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond the act of giving back. This selfless act… Read More

After the Holidays—Do Your Parents Need Help?

After the Holidays—Do Your Parents Need Help? After the holidays, many of us return to our daily routines after spending quality time with family. During these reunions—and reflecting on them—we may recognize changes in our parents. And, while it’s normal for people to evolve over time, sometimes changes indicate a need for additional help. So,… Read More